One of the most successful accountants turned entrepreneur in the world [Podcast] with Rod Drury, CEO of Xero

Rod has an incredible story that I am thrilled to share with you!
He started like many traditional accountants with Arthur Young which has eventually become EY.
Incredibly he won the New Zealand entrepreneur of the year award from EY many years later in 2013.
Xero is quite incredible company, imagine this: Rod started a…
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have another questions we haven’t covered? Let me know (Click Here)! About me: My Story and How I Got Started In Accounting Career Fairs: What Do I Need To Do To Prepare For The Accounting Career Fair? (Comprehensive Guide) How Can I Find My First Accounting Job Or Internship: How Can I Contact Any…
Simple Advice From A Successful CPA

I go this email a few days ago from a Successful CPA and thought it was a very fun read and well worth sharing. I went ahead and got Bill’s Linkedin for your so go ahead and connect with him: Andrew, I love your podcast! Although I have been working in accounting some 20 years.…
Is It Okay To Leave A Job Off My Resume?

From the mailbag: Hi Andrew, I left an internship at a CPA firm last summer after only two weeks. Do you think I should take this job off my resume? I want to include it because many of the positions I am applying for require audit experience. On the other hand I do not want to…
Do I Need A Masters In Tax To Start A Small CPA Firm?

The controversy continues as I received quite a few comments/messages last week regarding whether you should consider an Online Masters Degree. Here’s one I wanted to share. From the mailbag: Hello Andrew! My name is David, and I am currently studying for my CPA exam while going into my second year at a Big 4…
How Much Do You Want To Get Paid?

From the mailbag: Hi Andrew, I wanted to get your feedback about a potential employer who had asked me “how much I want to get paid” after my interview. First, I am not sure what I am worth. I have had 3 years of public accounting experience with ~2 years of internship of public and…
Worst First Year Audit Associate Ever

It’s true. The worst audit associate I ever worked with actually did pretty good audit work. But I didn’t care. They were so distracting, obnoxious and rude. That’s what mattered. The transition from student to professional is bound to be one of the most stressful experiences of your life. I remember the first week of…
Bean Counter’s Debt Free SCREAM! [VIDEO]

As many of you know, my wife and I paid off $55,000 of student loans in 14 months. One of the biggest motivators was listening to countless other people that had even worse situations on the Dave Ramsey podcasts. I remember one couple had over $300,000 in student loans! NUTS! At the end of this journey,…
You Are Just A Lazy Millennial (Ya, Right)

Many people believe that younger people are just different from past generations. This article linked above mentions that millennials quit because they aren’t happy with a “boss” and they want a more egalitarian work environment where everyone is on a team. I think this completely misses the point. Here is the secret on why people quit…
Your Path To Accounting Describe in Super Mario Bros. [INFOGRAPHIC]

We all have our own unique path into the accounting industry. And until now nobody has detailed the path in our favorite 1990’s video game, Super Mario Brothers. Enjoy this path to accounting infographic! I think this was created in an effort to recruit more millenials because honestly, youngsters nowadays only understand Minecraft. But the…
3 Main Factors When Choosing A University As An Accounting Major

I get this question about choosing a University as an accounting major all the time! From the mailbag: Hello Andrew, First off thank you so much for starting The Bean Counter! It has been a real encouragement and resource for myself as I have started on my career in accounting. I first stumbled into you…
Low GPA? Should You Stay In School Or Get Experience?

From the mailbag: Good Morning Andrew, I have been following your posts for several months, close to around 9-10 months to be exact. My biggest struggle right now in accounting is my low GPA. My Accounting GPA is 2.8, and my overall is around 2.70. However I do realize that this is really low to…
Public Accounting Not For Me. What are Alternative Accounting Careers?

From the mailbag: Hi Andrew, I am just finishing my Bachelors degree in Accounting. I am interested in finding out what positions I should be looking at (other than CPA) that can use my knowledge and skills. Public accounting is not for me. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you, Adeline While I…
I Have Serious Interview Anxiety

From the mailbag: Good afternoon Andrew. I listened to your webinar yesterday, it was really great. I love it. One of my issue is “I don’t know how to dominate an interview” I get nervous. I’m confident I can get the job done and learn the methodology of the core business. When I get to…
Landing A Part Time Accounting Job To Focus On Entrepreneurship

Since I wrote this article on how public accountants can earn 75% of their annual salary in just 3 months. I’ve received a TON of emails like this one where people want to get a part time accounting job to focus on entrepreneurship: Hello Andrew! I’ve been enjoying poking around your blog for the past week…
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