Should You Pay Off Student Loans Each Month Or Save Big Chunks?
From the mailbag about “paying off student loans each month, or saving big chunks”: Hey Andrew, I came across your post/ site and wanted to thank you for the inspirational story. I’ve been paying interest only on my $60k loans since graduation and am ready to be more aggressive. From your post, it seems like…
Public Accounting: Audit or Tax? Here Are The Pros & Cons!
The age old question for every young accounting student asks, “What Line Of Business Should I Chose In Public Accounting: Audit or Tax?” For me the answer was simple, and here’s why. Logic, evidence, reason = Audit Rules, legislations, research = Tax Things need to make sense in my brain. I don’t find opinions interesting unless…
How Millennial Accountants Should Deal With Crap Co-Workers
From the mailbag. “How Millennial Accountants Should Deal With Crap Co-Workers”: Hi Andrew, I’d really love to see some articles about interpersonal work relationships and generational differences. My stint in public accounting ended because of crap coworkers. I wish I would have had the resources to cope/deal with them. I had encountered bullies, people taking…
Millennial Accountants Don’t Want A Corner Office With A View
Earlier this week, Jody Padar wrote an article in Accounting Today about millennial accountants and I want to share a bit of it with you today. And it raises the question: What do young people and new hires to the profession want their career to look like? I am always encouraging people who use my…
Should I Quit Beta Alpha Psi?
From the Mailbag “Should I Quit Beta Alpha Psi”: Hi Andrew, I hope this message finds you well. I have a situation I was hoping you could help me with. Thanks to your program I was able to land a tax accountant position with McGladrey last semester. I have been involved with Beta Alpha Psi…
How I Paid Off $55,000+ in Student Loans in 14 months
In January 2014, I first merged my bank account with my wife and we realized that after 4 months of quitting my full-time job, we had drained our checking and savings down to $1,500. We just paid for our wedding and I was starting two businesses. We were broke and now living on one income. On top…
10 Must Know Audit Acronyms For Your First Year in Public Accounting
I remember my first internship with PwC, I was so nervous. I may be The Bean Counter today but back in the day, I had no clue what I was getting myself into. The first week on a client, my senior kept saying: “check the P&L, check the P&L, check the P&L” I had absolutely…
How to Pass the CPA Exam in 7 months (and fail at least once)
The CPA exam is hard, really hard.
But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t pass, and quick.
When I took the exam, I was determined to pass in 6 months, it took me 7, and I failed one section, audit.
Funny enough, that was the type of worked I went on to do…
How To Enter Accounting As A Second Career
From the mailbag about how to enter accounting as a second career: Hey Andrew, I just recently stumbled across your podcast and I really enjoy your episodes, they’re fantastic! I was wondering if you could shed some light on my question, with your experience and industry exposure, or point me into a direction that may…
The Top 10 Excel Tricks Every 1st Year Needs in Their Arsenal (VIDEO)
From the mailbag: Hey Andrew, I wanted to follow up with you in regards to the webinar yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I recently discovered The Bean Counter and am really glad that I did. I really like all of the information that you put out and I am looking forward to continue following you.…
How To Avoid $40K In Student Loan Debt & Become A CPA
From the mailbag: Andrew, I wanted to get your thoughts on a Masters Degree in Accounting. I graduate this May with an undergrad in accounting and plan to start taking the CPA exam this summer. I have always planned on going to grad school, but just wanted to get your thoughts on if the benefits…
5 Things To Do This Summer To Kickstart Your Accounting Career
Schools out! Well for those of you who decided not to take summer classes. You’re probably sitting by the pool, soaking in the rays and enjoying your time off from your accounting professors. Life is awesome. But… There is a little voice in the back of your head asking you about your lack of accounting…
10 Essentials Every First Year Needs In Their Backpack! (Audit and Tax)
While #3 shouldn’t even have to be on a list like this, I’ve seen it. Yes, I have. A budding new hire is so jazzed to get to the office in the morning and hit the workpaper file, he forgets….. His computer. While partners can ‘audit by iPhone’, that usually just because they never learned…
10 Pieces of Advice College Graduates Are Unaware Of
I was recently asked what my biggest piece advice for recent college grads would be. While I don’t think of myself as an old geezer giving advice, I gave it a try. 1. Don’t live with mom and dad Seriously. Baby bird needs to fly from the nest. Time to grow up. I know you…
Top Accounting Resume Concerns Addressed!
Last week I held a webinar where I critiqued an accounting resume. With the fall semester right around the corner, now is the time to get your resume in tip-top shape. I received a ton of questions after the resume and I thought it would be instructive to share a few of my answers in…
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