I Want to Switch my Major to Accounting. But my GPA is Ruined.


From the mailbag:

My name is Daniel and I am currently undeclared in my engineering school, but I am in the process of changing my major to Business Administration. The reason I want to change is because I am tired of getting C’s in engineering courses and being happy about it since they are challenging (I did try my best in every course I took, but it sometimes was not good enough).

Additionally, I cannot see myself being an engineer for the rest of my life. I will fulfill all the requirements by Winter 2016 and will be eligible for the Business Program in Spring 2016. I plan on concentrating in either accounting, finance, or marketing, but I am leaning more towards accounting. Some business courses that I have taken so far was an introduction course:

  • Provides an overview of the field of business administration. Explores business goals and strategies, functional areas of business and their integration in policy and decision making, social responsibility, computers in business, and business trends and challenges including the international dimension. 

And financial accounting and reporting course:

  • A study of the concepts and techniques for measurement and communication of financial information. Includes interpretation of financial statements. 

I want to get an internship for Summer 2016, but I have a couple questions and concerns about obtaining an internship next summer. 

I feel discouraged to apply for an internship because:

  1. My GPA is at a 2.7
  2. I do not have have a strong accounting background, and
  3. I do not start taking upper division business/accounting courses until Winter 2016.

I know GPA is not everything, but I personally feel like an employer will not consider me because my GPA is below at 3.0. Furthermore, my lack of accounting knowledge will not make me a strong candidate. I want to wait until the 2016-2017 academic school year to get an internship, but I feel like it will be too late if I graduate in June 2017 (I might have to be a fifth year since I am changing my major late into my undergraduate career). 

I was wondering if you can guide me on the steps of acquiring an internship. I have no idea where to start and what to do. I looked into two internships that I might apply for Summer 2016. One is the BOLD program at Google and the other one is an Auditor at PwC. Additionally, the Career Center at my school told me about some career/internship fairs that will be happening this Fall. If you have anything tips and tricks that will help me out due to my current situation will help a lot. Thank you so much in advance for the assistance.



Having a sub 3.0 GPA can be terrible.

GPA isn’t everything, but below the three level employers start to get nervous.

In this situation, you need to get the GPA up regardless of the decision.

Unless you have some amazing personal story of starting a business or something like that, I don’t think Google is realistic. With PwC, you also need a higher GPA (3.23 got in me but that was on the very low side).

Also, if you are going into accounting, you need to get a CPA license which requires 150 credit hours.

Here’s something to consider:

Complete whatever degree is the fastest now and take as many accounting courses as electives as you can. Then enter a Masters of Accounting (your GPA will reset).

Once you get a good GPA after a semester in the Masters program (hopefully 3.5 or higher), you can beat the streets for a full-time job.

Internships are great, but it will be tough to land one with a terrible GPA and not even having a declared accounting major.

A good friend of mine had a 2.8 in undergrad and a 3.6 in his Masters program.

He now works at Ernst & Young.

For some people, it’s best to just finish the degree and be glad things reset in the Masters degree.

  • Lance Chen

    I happened to have double major with accounting and economics in undergrad but was kind of low on the accounting side of classes since I almost always screw up finals despite having perfect midterms, course works and homeworks. Hard electives hurt a bit too though my economics GPA was quite high (3.47).

    Currently I got into my schools accounting master’s program at 3.47 GPA overall (too bad I can’t use it in my first fall semester and have to extend graduation for a semester). I wonder if employers will still worry about my undergrad GPA (3.18) even though I got a high master’s program GPA (3.47 and should be increasing)

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    I never believed school could be easy till i sent Whitecathackers@gmail.com a text. she has helped me in more ways than you can think of. Changing of grades? that’s the easiest thing with this lady. just give her a couple of days. best results and the funny thing is i don”t even know her real name.

    Her prices are quite fair and i can say this because i’ve been using her for a while. Graduation from college with a solid grade is finally a possible mission thanks whitecathackers@gmail.com. you should contact her if you;re looking to “improve” your grades. tell her selena romero referred you

  • Elwin Luo

    I’d argue that you would definitely be able to receive an internship despite your GPA. Hit up any accounting firm, professional, or people you know/think may know accountants. Build up a relationship where you provide 51% value, and then go in for the ask. Or, provide value, then just go for it.If you want to be hired though, I think posting something on social media or on a blog would seriously help and if some professional sees it and reaches out….then that would be your ticket. If you might need some help setting that up though, I could definitely help with social media. Would definitely recommend looking at Gary Vaynerchuk (garyvee) if you want to get much more practical and awesome advice.

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  • Sydney

    What are some study tips for someone intimidated by the accounting degree? I am just about to start intermediate classes…

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  • Dr. me

    Finish your engineering, and take additional accounting classes, don’t switch your major, then combine your accounting skills with your engineering skills to land a good job. No one cares about your GPA in engineering, and no one cares about your GPA if you’re a CPA.

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  • https://xilch.com.au Lucas Baile

    Well, I’m happy for Daniel because he finds his what he wants to be.

    Of course, the struggle is always in the first part because your mind has doing learning process to gain the knowledge of accounting.

  • Bobby Johnson

    Nice write up, Most links are false advertisements, after you pay nothing comes up. Talk to a real hacker if you need one. Legionofhacks AT gmail com serious people only

  • BigMouth

    Why do people keep falling for scam , you should how that most of these hackers can not be found just by the internet. It is either you have a direct referral or you go to the deep web to find them . all you have to do is go to HL forum on deep web and you should be able to get yourself a good hacker . Greyhatzhackers are one of the ones I found there . They had most of the reviews on there and it only took 5 days for my hacking need to be met . Please we all should be wise , you shouldn’t even think of working with any hacker that ask you for upfront money because there are so many fake hackers now . All you need to do is just to add ATgmailDOTcom to their name and you should have their contact .

    • Jessica Chase

      Thank you for this review . I had contacted them immediately yesterday and they are currently working on my project . so far so good they collected all my University details and I keep getting emails that some changes is currently being made on my grades . I feel anxious and happy at the same time . I will also share my reviews here when they are done .

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    • Dianne Bell

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    • Peter Rekindle

      haha . it got hacked and school grade changed . Thanks to CORONA . amazingly unbelievable

    • Ashleyh

      3.6 GPA from 2.2 . This should be a boiling point for me because I just got hot . I am still tense afterwards . scared of getting caught but Good works . I believe in hackers now .

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    • Kaliente Scott

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    • Nicolas Antonio

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    • Willis

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    • Jhaezzy

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    • Tamara Cole


    • MsLaika

      These GreyHatzHackers ( gmail ) knows exactly what they are doing in terms of hacking. I contacted them for grade change, Although it took longer time than they said it will take but they got my grades changed . I concur to hackers right now . Than you for sharing this BIG mouth.

    • Straighten Bale

      Really A crack in the nutshell. Haha Fuk my school henceforth. I am making these GreyHatzHackers my best friends. Never saw this coming .
      Thank you

    • Verifieduser

      I have contacted these greyhatzhackers (gmail ) and the truth remains they are so expensive for school grade and that was why I could not hire them. please help me because I know they are legit enough with the reviews I have found about them. I need help please

    • Allen

      Never met any hacker as discreet and fast like this WHITEHATTHACKER01. He’s called Mitnick and he has helped me in multiple ways first was when my ex wife cheated on me and now he’s helping me paying my credit cards debts. I must say he’s the best at what he do and I recommend him to the world. Email; Whitehatthacker01AtgmailDotcom , you can be sure to thank me later

    • GMA

      I had they also do credit score repair ? Not sure and just asking
      Sniffingnose @ repairman . co m ? Please advice

    • Kate Henderson

      Hello everyone, I have been battling with my credit score because it was very low until a friend of mine introduced me to credit speciallist working with Fico; named Douglas, he helped increase my credit score from 580 to 780. I was really surprised that he helped me do it within 48 hours, even though I doubted him at first because he told me to pay the service fee before any action can take place after I paid half of the payment. Then you pay the rest after he finishes the job. Contact him (dougfoster543 At Gmail Dot Com)He’s the best and really affordable. No Regrets !!!

  • April Dunena

    GPA upgraded just in 48 hours . haha I dont think I will be going to school after this Corona pandemic . lol .

  • George Love

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  • Mason Alexander
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  • JoeL Harris

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  • Kate Henderson

    I am Kate Henderson and I live in Cottonwood, AZ. My most gratitude goes to DougFoster . Few months ago, I needed help with my credit. I had nowhere to run to. My whole life was in shambles because my current credit score was low 500, I wanted a higher score and negative items deleted although most of them I had no idea why they were there because I never opened accounts w ith credit cards. I went on the internet to search for help, and I found FOSTER CREDIT SOLUTION the credit professional. I immediately contacted them through EMAIL [ dougfoster543/@/g/mail/com ] . We got started with the process with some few questions and a little display of competency as a proof of legitimacy. The good news is that they did all they promised to do (deleted the accounts, erased all the inquiries and eventually raised my score to an 808 excellent score). Someone might be in a similar situation that’s the reason I decided to do this. Cheers!

  • Kate Henderson

    I am Kate Henderson and I live in Cottonwood, AZ. My most gratitude goes to DougFoster . Few months ago, I needed help with my credit. I had nowhere to run to. My whole life was in shambles because my current credit score was low 500, I wanted a higher score and negative items deleted although most of them I had no idea why they were there because I never opened accounts w ith credit cards. I went on the internet to search for help, and I found FOSTER CREDIT SOLUTION the credit professional. I immediately contacted them through EMAIL [ dougfoster543/@/g/mail/com ] . We got started with the process with some few questions and a little display of competency as a proof of legitimacy. The good news is that they did all they promised to do (deleted the accounts, erased all the inquiries and eventually raised my score to an 808 excellent score). Someone might be in a similar situation that’s the reason I decided to do this. Cheers!

    I am Kate Henderson and I live in Cottonwood, AZ. My most gratitude goes to DougFoster . Few months ago, I needed help with my credit. I had nowhere to run to. My whole life was in shambles because my current credit score was low 500, I wanted a higher score and negative items deleted although most of them I had no idea why they were there because I never opened accounts w ith credit cards. I went on the internet to search for help, and I found FOSTER CREDIT SOLUTION the credit professional. I immediately contacted them through EMAIL [ dougfoster543/@/g/mail/com ] . We got started with the process with some few questions and a little display of competency as a proof of legitimacy. The good news is that they did all they promised to do (deleted the accounts, erased all the inquiries and eventually raised my score to an 808 excellent score). Someone might be in a similar situation that’s the reason I decided to do this. Cheers!

    I am Kate Henderson and I live in Cottonwood, AZ. My most gratitude goes to DougFoster . Few months ago, I needed help with my credit. I had nowhere to run to. My whole life was in shambles because my current credit score was low 500, I wanted a higher score and negative items deleted although most of them I had no idea why they were there because I never opened accounts w ith credit cards. I went on the internet to search for help, and I found FOSTER CREDIT SOLUTION the credit professional. I immediately contacted them through EMAIL [ dougfoster543/@/g/mail/com ] . We got started with the process with some few questions and a little display of competency as a proof of legitimacy. The good news is that they did all they promised to do (deleted the accounts, erased all the inquiries and eventually raised my score to an 808 excellent score). Someone might be in a similar situation that’s the reason I decided to do this. Cheers!

  • Kate Henderson

    The quickest and surest way to build credit score is thru FOSTER REPAIR SERVICE … I divorced 5 years ago and it has been a struggle ever since to get back to normal. My ex let our house be foreclosed after I moved out, I have a credit score of 580, income of $80k and less than $3,000 in debt. I needed to get approved for a home loan in TX. But I was turned down by the lender due to poor credit. Then I got referred to FOSTER REPAIR SERVICE by Douglas, I saved his contact and emailed him via [ dougfoster543/at/g/mail/com ] for score increase . After making payments for the job my credit was cleaned perfectly and my score was increased to 785 in just 2 weeks. This made my heart filled with joy. I wish I contacted him earlier I wouldn’t have suffered that long to restore my credit. Quickly contact him on the above email should you require a score boost. Goodluck.

  • Kate Henderson

    The quickest and surest way to build credit score is thru FOSTER REPAIR SERVICE … I divorced 5 years ago and it has been a struggle ever since to get back to normal. My ex let our house be foreclosed after I moved out, I have a credit score of 580, income of $80k and less than $3,000 in debt. I needed to get approved for a home loan in TX. But I was turned down by the lender due to poor credit. Then I got referred to FOSTER REPAIR SERVICE by Douglas, I saved his contact and emailed him via [ dougfoster543/at/g/mail/com ] for score increase . After making payments for the job my credit was cleaned perfectly and my score was increased to 785 in just 2 weeks. This made my heart filled with joy. I wish I contacted him earlier I wouldn’t have suffered that long to restore my credit. Quickly contact him on the above email should you require a score boost. Goodluck

  • andyglanier

    You all have to be careful of the people you reach out to online, I lost 2 bitcoin to a scammer and I went into depression because I had no way of getting my hard earn money back, I was locked out of my account after they stopped replying to my emails and calls, so I had to reach to this recovery expert called { richard creditprogrammer @gmail .com} and to my surprise He got my bitcoin account back and my money was recovered . If you also need to recover any stolen funds I suggest you contact richard creditprogrammer @gmail .com , phone: 307 217 6364

  • Thanush Cris
  • Emily Elkins

    I sincerely appreciate your timely and effective assistance with my grade update, TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT. I feel so much more at ease knowing that you were able to assist me improve my scores. Countless students, like myself, have experienced the transformative impact of TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT on their academic journey. From overcoming academic hurdles to unlocking their full potential, the success stories and testimonials of those who have used TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT serve as a testament to its effectiveness. Hearing directly from individuals who have benefited from this resource can provide valuable insights and inspiration for those seeking to improve their grades and confidence. Looking ahead, the future appears bright as I continue to utilize the tools and support provided by TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT. By incorporating their resources into my study routine and staying committed to academic excellence, I am confident in sustaining and further elevating my academic success. With TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT as my trusted ally, I am optimistic about reaching new heights in my educational journey and conquering any challenges that come my way. The story of how TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT transformed my academic trajectory serves as a testament to the power of effective tools and resources in driving positive change. By harnessing the capabilities of this innovative platform, students like myself can not only improve their grades but also cultivate a renewed sense of confidence and success in their educational journey. As we look towards the future, it is evident that with the right support and dedication, sustained academic success is within reach for all students willing to embrace the possibilities offered by TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT. To know more about them Contact through email. (trustgeekshackexpert@fastservice.come) & Telegram:(@)Trustgeekshackexpert ? TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT is here to rescue you. By streamlining your study routine, providing valuable insights, and offering personalized support, TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT equips you with the tools you need to boost your grades and reach your full academic potential. The name TRUSTGEEKS HACK EXPERT truly fits! Your skills in restoring my school grade were nothing short of magical. Thank you for going above and beyond.

    Thank you.

  • http://www.linuxcybersecurity.com James A. Fox

    I was particularly impressed by the speed and accuracy with which Linux Cyber Security Company operated. Despite the complexity of the hack, their prompt response and efficient strategies resulted in the successful recovery of my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media accounts promptly. Their meticulous attention to detail and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction were truly outstanding.
    Linux Cyber Security https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b337f7a0769dc02479d7008d3a7da4ad678090ba5f237bf43692b0820e26a39.jpg

  • Cars Leen

    When anybody loses their money it can be a very saddening thing to experience, the fact that it is almost impossible to recover a Stolen or lost Crypto coin hurts more than anything. When a person gets ripped off their money while investing in a crypto currency platform the only thing they can think of is how to report the company and get back their money.

    Most victims contact their wallet account provider, their bank or the law enforcement, a few end up hiring a lawyer to sue the company but after all this stress they still cant get their money back. Please everyone should be careful where they invest their money. Cryptocurrency has made many rich and at the same time made so many broke and desperate. Let me share my Crypto experience. Although I have been hearing about dogecoin since last year, I didn't pay much attention because I was satisfied trading only my bitcoin until one of my friends showed me how much he already made investing in dogecoin. I was convinced and I decided to do more research and finally this year, I invested several amounts of money in a website I was referred to by my Friends . I signed up and I was sent a wallet address to make the payment. I transferred 3.500.000 to their wallet address. Few days later their website was down and we discovered we had been a victim of a scam. Every effort to get back our dogecoin failed until a few weeks ago when I was referred to an amazing recovery expert and I was able to get back all my dogecoin that was Stolen through their services. If you want to recover your cryptocurrency that was stolen or lost I recommend you reach out to them. They are reliable and trustworthy. BACKEND RECOVER AT RESCUE TEAM DOT COM IS THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS TO CONTACT THEM.

  • Esnaldo Gil

    Posted here because people need to know they can recover their lost money invested in Crypto or mistakenly sent to a wrong wallet id. I have fallen victim to fraudulent investment brokers in the past and I totally understand what it means to lose all of your money. I suffered for so long after losing a sum of $250,000 to fake brokers. Until I got to know of the Recovery support services offered by some firms and how support service teams like Hackrecovery AT Yandex DOT ru, were successfully recovering stolen funds. I never thought I would get help. I sent them an email and reported my experience to the team and was really fortunate to get all of the money recovered. They can definitely help you with all crypto loss and password cases, technology has indeed gone far.

  • Bruno Nikolic

    You can not tell anyone how to spend their earnings or money, but I'll use this opportunity to create a witness on how I was being swindled of my hard earned savings to a so called Profitable Bitcoin Investment, This bogus company took over $80,000 from me, thanks to the review recommending about the BACKEND RECOVER TEAM I was directed to reach out to them. It was within the 73rd hour of interacting with them that I got 90% of my bitcoin and other crypto assets back into my portfolio wallets, I was amazed and had to praise them whenever I can, for the job well done. BACKEND RECOVER AT RESCUE TEAM DOT COM is their mail to reach out to them.

  • Cyril Butusov

    Hi Guys!
    My name is Cyril, i just want to say a few things about a recovery team that worked so hard to recover my lost savings that i invested into a wrong platform, i thought my life has ended but i did not give up the fight till i read a review about them and i decided to give them a try and it turned out good for me.. This is me giving them the accolade they deserve. and also thanking them for an amazing job they did for me. Here is their email address to contact them if anyone ever finds themselves in such a mess: BACKEND RECOVER AT RESCUE TEAM DOT COM…
    Thank you guys once more, words alone can't quantify how grateful I am .

  • Chase Adonut

    I made a mistake in my life that I felt cannot be remedied by investing in a fake Crypto platform unknowingly. When I discovered it, I felt at that point that my life had ended. Because it was my life savings of about 150,000usd. The important thing was that I did not give up when it happened, I did lots of research, asked the right questions to the right people until I was lucky enough to be in contact with this recovery expert that worked tirelessly to help me recover my lost money. Hackrecovery AT yandex Dot ru, came through for me and succeeded with the recovery process. It was not really easy but it was worth it.

  • Yannick Ostry

    I fell victim to a fake Altercoin trading platform and lost $92,000 USDT, hoping to make a 5% daily profit. I had a tough time during this period as I couldn’t afford to pay my bills or stick to my usual meal routine. I had to trust my close friend who connected me with a dependable crypto recovery team utilizing AI-recovery software at Hackrecovery AT Yandex DOT ru. I contacted them, explained in detail the challenge I am having and they were able to completely recover my money with ease using their tech prowess, I really appreciate their help. I am a big fan of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology and have been investing for quite some time but have never faced the aforementioned issue but happy it was resolved.

  • Dmytro Kvashyn

    Hi, my exodus wallet was hacked and my ecr20 token which is qnt was stolen. It was a difficult time for me at that period, I made several efforts to get my money recovered but didn't succeed. But I didn't give up on my effort. I had to write an email to Hackrecovery support through [HACKRECOVERY AT YANDEX DOT RU]. After a day I got a reply from them and after my explanation they took it up from there and to my surprise my money was tracked and recovered into my wallet. I really appreciate their efforts and advice. Which is to use a strong password and add biometric authentication for more security.

  • Annett Freeh

    My lost crypto recovery journey started two months ago. I got to know of Backend [Recover] AT rescue team///DOT com on a reddit forum. Someone testified about him, so I decided to contact him. He was so professional in dealing with me, answered all my questions, cleared my doubts, and did a fantastic job for me . What seemed like a joke has turned to reality. I am highly elated. You can contact him if you have lost your cryptocurrency online….