Overcoming Self-Doubt To Pass the CPA Exam

From the mailbag: Hello Andrew, I was googling information about tips and advice on passing the CPA exam. I have not applied to take any section yet, but next month I will submit my application for Audit and BEC. I think that this will be the best route for me because I feel that Audit…
Should I Quit Beta Alpha Psi?

From the Mailbag “Should I Quit Beta Alpha Psi”: Hi Andrew, I hope this message finds you well. I have a situation I was hoping you could help me with. Thanks to your program I was able to land a tax accountant position with McGladrey last semester. I have been involved with Beta Alpha Psi…
#1 Thing You Need To Get Hired In Accounting This Fall Semester

Summer is over! Basically. I know, you’re sad. But it’s time to get excited! This could be the semester where you land an internship with a major accounting firm. Or maybe even a full-time offer. Then you’ll be able to relax while finishing your degree and they would pay for all your CPA review products!…
How I Paid Off $55,000+ in Student Loans in 14 months

In January 2014, I first merged my bank account with my wife and we realized that after 4 months of quitting my full-time job, we had drained our checking and savings down to $1,500. We just paid for our wedding and I was starting two businesses. We were broke and now living on one income. On top…
I saw another student had a 3.99 GPA. Mine was 3.23, I thought it was over. I got the internship, he didn’t.

Fall recruiting can be stressful experience. I remember thinking:
“I’m going to be about $50K in debt when I graduate, I need to pay that back. I MUST find a job.”
I was determined. I’m sure you can relate.
This is the most important part
10 Must Know Audit Acronyms For Your First Year in Public Accounting

I remember my first internship with PwC, I was so nervous. I may be The Bean Counter today but back in the day, I had no clue what I was getting myself into. The first week on a client, my senior kept saying: “check the P&L, check the P&L, check the P&L” I had absolutely…
How to Pass the CPA Exam in 7 months (and fail at least once)

The CPA exam is hard, really hard.
But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t pass, and quick.
When I took the exam, I was determined to pass in 6 months, it took me 7, and I failed one section, audit.
Funny enough, that was the type of worked I went on to do…
Accounting Resume Templates, Critiques, & Webinars

Yesterday, I was invited by AccountingFly to give a webinar called “Watch Me Critique An Accounting Resume” and gave everyone a free accounting resume template. For those of you who missed out, I included the video link below. Resumes are much more art than science. Rather than give you hard rules, I want you to…
Should You Consider An Online Masters Degree?

I’ve been getting questions a lot about whether you should be getting an online masters degree. Let’s clear things up about when online is better than going to an in-person University. From the mailbag: First off let me say thank you for The Bean Counter it has given me a lot of insight and it’s…
How To Enter Accounting As A Second Career

From the mailbag about how to enter accounting as a second career: Hey Andrew, I just recently stumbled across your podcast and I really enjoy your episodes, they’re fantastic! I was wondering if you could shed some light on my question, with your experience and industry exposure, or point me into a direction that may…
The Top 10 Excel Tricks Every 1st Year Needs in Their Arsenal (VIDEO)

From the mailbag: Hey Andrew, I wanted to follow up with you in regards to the webinar yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I recently discovered The Bean Counter and am really glad that I did. I really like all of the information that you put out and I am looking forward to continue following you.…
How To Work Two Jobs Without Getting Fired (Reader Question)

From the mailbag: Hi Andrew, I was thinking about starting my own business part time, nothing to compete with my current accounting job, but I was wondering how you communicated to your managers that you were starting The Bean Counter. I have a fairly strict conflict of interest’s policy I have to sign and I…
I’m the First to Point Out. You Should NEVER Buy My Big 4 Course If….

I’m the first person to tell you when you shouldn’t be buying my course, “How to Get Hired by Big 4 Accounting Firms“. That’s exactly what I did for this guy. Hi Andrew, I’m currently making $95K plus bonus (around $110K annually). I understand that if I change my career to a Big 4 Accounting…
6 Cool Ways To Use Conditional Formatting In Excel

You heard that right, “COOL” ways to use Excel conditional formatting. Since this is an accounting blog, I figured we can all be open about the fact that most of us get way too much enjoyment out learning new Excel tricks. I’m guilty of it myself. But, I wasn’t always this way. When I started…
How To Avoid $40K In Student Loan Debt & Become A CPA

From the mailbag: Andrew, I wanted to get your thoughts on a Masters Degree in Accounting. I graduate this May with an undergrad in accounting and plan to start taking the CPA exam this summer. I have always planned on going to grad school, but just wanted to get your thoughts on if the benefits…
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