Before You Accept Your Big 4 Firm Offer, Make Sure It’s Actually The Job You Think It Is

Many students don’t realize that just because you accept an offer at the Big 4, it doesn’t mean you’re actually getting the job everyone thinks of. What do I mean? Let’s find out. Hello Bean Counter, I have a question to run by you. I am freshly out of college and finished my CPA. I got…
You Have A 3.9? Why Such A Low GPA? Yes, That Was An Actual Question.

From a loyal Bean Counter fan resume review customer: Hi Andrew, A friend of mine recently had an interview with one of the Big 4. She applied for experienced hire like me and was asked about her GPA in college. The guy interviewed her ask her why she was not able to get a 4.0…
How To Contact Any Accounting Firm To Find A Job (VIDEO)

“How To Contact Any Accounting Firm To Find A Job” (VIDEO) with @AndrewArgue ►More Andrew here: ➝Check out resume services:… ➝Check out the course: ————- I go over my process for finding accounting firms and reaching out to them to find a job. Get more info: or email me at…
Why I Traveled To Alaska To Take The CPA Exam

From a kind Bean Counter reader: Hello Andrew, I want to know that if I can only take one business law course in the School of Accounting at Florida International University and that is all what us available on the undergraduate level, does this mean that even after my bachelor’s degree, I still do not…
Don’t End Your Chances By Not Knowing The Public Accounting Start Dates

I always say accounting is like a cult. I remember the first time I heard the term “public accounting”. I said, “that doesn’t interest me. I don’t want to work for the government.” I had a lot to learn. Today we’re talking about the dates when you can look forward to starting your career in…
How the Firms Will Pressure You Into Accepting Their Offer

From the Bean Counter mailbag: The dragon has been slayed…and my crazy journey is almost over. I received an offer from Grant Thornton for full time in NY-metro. (I have to let them know by Nov 6th) my problem now lies in the fact that PwC wants me in for an office visit 11/25! How do…
Can I Switch Accounting Firms After I Accept My Internship Offer?

Many of you are receiving offers as fall recruiting is in the final weeks. Many of you got offers. Haven’t received an offer from an accounting firm, check this out. If you received internship offers and if you did, you should relax. About 90% of people who start an internship receive a full-time offer. But, just…
Crafting Your Accounting Elevator Pitch

1. What is your goal?
Are you looking for a part-time job?
Summer Leadership Conference?
Full-time job?
Whatever your goal, it needs to be defined up…
The #1 Interview Mistake You’re Probably Making

The interview is the most stressful part of the journey in starting your career in public accounting. I remember the first time I went to a full “office visit” with PwC. I literally thought it was going to be a tour of the office, you know, see the kitchen and what not. Luckily my friend…
Can Community College Ruin Your Chances In Accounting?

We jump into the mailbag of The Bean Counter: Hi Andrew, I’m currently attending Community College as a freshmen and I am really interested in working for the Big 4 firms but I don’t know where to begin. My plan is to transfer out and attend a 4 year university for a bachelor’s degree in…
How Pre-Interview Greeters Can Ruin Your Offer

Back to the Bean Counter Mailbag we go!!! I have interview tomorrow and I know a greeter will be there .. How do I deal with them? Lol No joke, I know a student who completely screwed himself when I was a greeter at PwC. He kind of called me an “a$$hole” (you’ll see what…
The Ultimate Step-by-Step Hiring Process Guide for Public Accounting

If you’re waiting until your final year or last semester, good luck…
This. Is a multi-year process.

I have stopped really believing in luck. Especially for any accounting student out there. At best, I’d say I believe in chance happenings… good and bad. I watched a video yesterday that blew the lid off my thinking. So, for example, one of your great excuses is, “Well, great careers are really and truly, for…
“The dream begins most of the time with the teacher who believes in you” [PODCAST] with Jody Padar

Jody Padar joined her father’s firm four years ago, bringing her expertise in the areas of taxation, QuickBooks, and small business accounting. As one of the profession’s emerging thought leaders, Jody has transitioned New Vision to next-generation status by adopting advanced technologies and best practices that support web-based client services and allow the firm to…
Pre-interview Dinners & Socials (P.S. It’s An Interview)

“I got accepted to a first round interview at a Big 4 firm for a full time internship during the winter.
They invited me to a Pre-Night dinner at a local steakhouse tonight. Dress is business casual.
Any tips on how to conduct myself or things to talk about, or are these things purely behavioral?
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