“When you get your first check from a client, that’s a big deal” Podcast with A-lign’s Scott Price on starting his own firm, TWICE!

scott price

Remember the stories about Enron and Arthur Andersen? Normally you hear about the old Anderson employees who were out of work in the course of a couple of weeks, and then ended up working on the same clients at another firm (often one of the now “Big 4″). But, Scott Price’s story was a little different.

After 9 months of working in public accounting, he switched from financial audit to what is now largely called “IT Audit”. He remained there until 2002 (when Arthur Andersen , and focused on what used to be called SAS70 (now known as SSAE16).

When Arthur Anderson went down, rather than start up as an employee at another firm, he went out and started his own business. Scott was a great guy to have on the podcast and my favorite part was when he told us one thing that got him really excited about choosing accounting as a career. He responded:

“When you start your own business… the first people that hire you are hiring you, not a name… When you get your first check from a client, that’s a big deal.”.

If you’d like to reach Scott, you can email him here, or find him on LinkedIn & Twitter.


Email me at andrew@thebeancounter.com.