One of the biggest challenges people have when going through recruiting is finding accounting recruiter emails.
This is SO important.
Contacting a recruiter direction via email gives you a 5-10 times higher likelihood of getting a phone interview than only applying on the website.
I went ahead and create this quick video to show you exactly how I:
Step 1: Define Your Target
Campus Recruiters or Experienced Recruiters
Step 2: Search for email structure
Step 3: Find Recruiter
As a bonus, I went ahead and threw in the email format I would use to get a response.
Subject: Appropriate Person
Hello Ashley,I’m writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles experienced recruiting. I also wrote to Sara Johnson and Rebecca Anderson in that pursuit.How does how your calendar look for a quick discussion? I am currently a student from University of Tampa and will be graduating in May 2016.I have attached my resume and cover letter for you to review. I am eager to discuss the opportunities with Deloitte. After reviewing Deloitte’s website, I am specifically interested in learning more about manufacturing services division.Again, If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like?If not, who would you recommend I talk to?Best regards,
Andrew W. Argue
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