How To Find Any Accounting Recruiters Email Using Google & LinkedIn [VIDEO]


One of the biggest challenges people have when going through recruiting is finding accounting recruiter emails.

This is SO important.

Contacting a recruiter direction via email gives you a 5-10 times higher likelihood of getting a phone interview than only applying on the website.

I went ahead and create this quick video to show you exactly how I:

Step 1: Define Your Target

Campus Recruiters or Experienced Recruiters

Step 2: Search for email structure


Step 3: Find Recruiter


As a bonus, I went ahead and threw in the email format I would use to get a response.

Subject: Appropriate Person

Hello Ashley,
I’m writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles experienced recruiting. I also wrote to Sara Johnson and Rebecca Anderson in that pursuit.
How does how your calendar look for a quick discussion? I am currently a student from University of Tampa and will be graduating in May 2016.
I have attached my resume and cover letter for you to review. I am eager to discuss the opportunities with Deloitte. After reviewing Deloitte’s website, I am specifically interested in learning more about manufacturing services division.
Again, If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like?
If not, who would you recommend I talk to?
Best regards,
Here’s the video. You can email me at if you have any questions!