35 Little-Known Reasons Why People Fail Accounting Interviews


This is an excerpt from the course Get Hired By Big 4 Accounting Firms.

  1. Poor personal appearance.
  2. Lack of interest and enthusiasm.
  3. Not knowing the company’s information or website.
  4. Over emphasis on money. (Interested only in best dollar offer).
  5. Condemnation of past employers.
  6. Failure to look at interviewer when conversing.
  7. Limp, fishy handshake.
  8. Unwillingness to fill-out application or go where sent.
  9. Late for interview.
  10. Failure to express appreciation for interviewer’s time.
  11. Gum (Bubble Gum) chewing.
  12. Having a cell phone or pager on.
  13. Not asking questions about the position, the company, or the industry.
  14. Vague responses to questions.
  15. Over-aggressive and conceited with superiority or “know-it-all” complex.
  16. Inability to express self clearly.  (Poor voice, diction, and grammar).
  17. Lack of planning for career.
  18. Lack of confidence and poise.
  19. Failure to participate in activities.  (Narrow interest).
  20. Unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon.
  21. Makes excuses, is evasive and hedges on unfavorable factors in record.
  22. Lack of tact.
  23. Lack of courtesy or ill-mannered.
  24. Lack of maturity.
  25. Lack of vitality or appears lazy.
  26. Indecision.
  27. Sloppy application blank.
  28. Merely shopping around or wants job only for a short time.
  29. Cynical.
  30. Low moral standards.
  31. Intolerant. (Strong prejudices).
  32. Inability to take criticism.
  33. High-pressure type.
  34. Not sending a “thank you” note/letter by email.
  35. Rescheduling an interview that was already confirmed.

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